Tuesday, 30 August 2016

The unmentioned might of a woman

A woman is a person with many talents and areas of knowledge.  Women face many challenges daily: They are raped by their fathers, beaten by their husbands and killed by those they trust. More often than once, women are ridiculed and judged, not only by men but also by other women. This knocks the women down and some never get back up, but it takes a real woman to get back up and press on. The wise say, “You may throw a woman into the wolves but she will come back leading the pack”. 

The point of view from which the article was written is that of a man who has come to realize the power of a woman “You have strangely emerged with a purpose in my life”. In the third paragraph he says he sometimes would look at her and see a thorn in his side – a pest who never stopped provoking or infuriating his inner being with her endless questions and tiresome, meaningless conversations. He highlights that he would be annoyed when the woman in question would challenge him intellectually during what he then thought were meaningless conversations.  The man praises the woman for the impact she has had in his life and making him the man he is today. This shows us that women have the power to change anything or anyone for that matter, as long as they have their minds and hearts set out on it. That on its own is the unmentioned might of a woman.

The value of support is reflected in the article. The woman in question supports her man and stands behind him. She does not try to over shine him. This does not mean that she cannot stand on her own and do her own things, but she understands that there is power in unity and in stability from a partnership incorporating the presence of a man as a formidable tank and a strong woman as the silent operator who is never seen yet has the greatest influence. The woman is his number one supporter and hides his insecurities from the world. She stands behind him and helps him make even the simplest of choices. She makes him feel courageous and like he can do anything and gives him strength and courage to take on the world by encouraging him and complimenting him. This does not mean that she mothers him, but she is his cheerleader. Another value reflected is perseverance.You pestered me to eventually do as you wish without me even knowing it”. The woman did not stop working on her man, she continued pruning him and moulding him until he became what she had always wanted him to be.

I agree with the writer’s portrayal of men in the article. Men usually have a hard time expressing their feelings and keep things inside. This may be because some of them were raised to believe that “real men never reveal their emotions” They do not want to seem emasculated or weak. According to Relationship Abode, men take much longer than women to get in touch with their emotions. That is why a woman is often ready to go say how they feel whilst man may take longer. Women should not push them and force them, but should rather give them time and exercise patience.

I find the writer’s style effective. He writes the article as if he is telling a story. This kept me glued to my screen wanting to read more and find out “how it all unfolds”. The opening line made me want to find out what it is that whoever the writer is writing about does that the writer sees as endeavors to hinder his success. It also arouses the question what happened that changed the writer’s perception about whoever they are writing about.

 To all women out there: You are strong, you are courageous. There is only one you and you can do achieve anything you set your heart to achieve. Do not allow them to burn out you fire. “You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you can know who you are, what you can rise from and how you can still come out of it”, Maya Angelou. You strike a woman, you strike a rock. That is the unmentioned might of a woman.





Saturday, 20 August 2016

Weblogs as an emerging genre in higher education

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, a blog is a website where a person writes regularly about recent events or topics that interest them, usually with photos and links to other websites that they find interesting. Blogging assists students to become more ICT literate, which is a crucial 21st century skill. The first blog, “Links.net”, was created in 1994 by college student Justing Hall.

Weblogs helps students to be able to discuss matters and reflect on matters which affect them daily on a bigger platform. They are able to engage with each other and the community at large to discuss these issues, which may be affecting them personally or those around them. They can find different points of views and be able to make informed conclusions.

Plagiarism has always been a major problem in higher education. Weblogs have helped as people have access to hyperlinks and sources of information, so they are able to identify students who steal other people’s intellectual property as there are broader community-based perspectives on intellectual production. Online tools have been developed to detect plagiarism, and this is very helpful to lecturers as there are able to monitor the use of other people’s intellectual property. Students are therefore encouraged to do research and then write using their own perspective as they fear being caught.

Weblogs also gives students an opportunity to access information which they previously did not have access to. They can follow field experts who have thorough research on certain subjects. Students are given a variety, meaning they are able to choose which weblogs to follow, or compare and contrast the view expressed by various bloggers on the certain subjects. This allows students the opportunity to analyse different points of view.

Before I came to university, I had never heard of weblogs. I was introduced to weblogs by my Teaching Studies lecturer who explained to us that blogging is a good way to engage with scholars, researchers or even other future teachers like me on issues affecting children and the teaching profession in general. I have also come to the realization that submitting assignments through blogs is cheap and convenient. It is cheaper in the sense that I don’t have to pay for printing papers, and convenient as I can submit anywhere even in the comfort of my room.

I use blogging mainly for two reasons. Firstly, I use it to find the methods used by other foundation phase teachers in their classrooms. This is very important for me as a beginner teacher as I am able to learn from people who have been in the field for a very long time. I am able to write my own opinion on teaching pedagogy, and receive construction criticism. I am also able to ask experts questions for clarity where I don’t understand. Secondly, I use blogging as a personal tool for finding the latest fashion news. As a fully figured young lady, I am able to follow bloggers who help me with outfit choices and identifying which clothes are suitable for my body type.

To improve the effective use of blogs to make them a meaningful learning tool for students, assignments or any other form of assessments should be made electronical. Blog platforms allow for inclusion and display of multimedia, which may offer an advantage when submitting. Students will be able to include videos and clear pictures when submitting assignments, and this will help them support their points.

There could also be a blog for each module which could give students the opportunity to discuss content which was not discussed in class. Students would also be able to ask questions which they were not able to ask in class as some students are not confidence about speaking around big groups. There could also be weekly articles published by the lecturers, where students would be required to respond to as part of assessment. The articles would be a foundation for discussions, allowing students to question the articles and criticize them.

Weblogs convey more authentic opinions of developers as they don’t rely on mass audience or commercial attention. They are a hub for people to share their thoughts. Blogging provides students with an authentic learning opportunity and exposes them to a wider audience.
